Biyernes, Hulyo 12, 2013

Why is Everyone Raving About Boot Camps Balmoral?

Boot camps help you train to become focused and a stronger individual in general. The truth is not a lot of people have the drive to lose weight on their own. This is exactly why it is necessary to enroll in a boot camp. Boot camps are designed to help an individual stay committed to both a healthy diet and regular exercise routine. A combination of both is necessary to truly lose weight. A lot of people think that if they cut a few calories here and there that they will get a lean body. It takes hard work and sweat to shed those pounds as well as self control.

People are raving about boot camp Balmoral Beach because of the results it produces. Everyone that enrolls in this fitness boot camp undergoes a drastic change. From the day a person enters to the day he or she leaves their whole body changes. When you see the before and after pictures you will see for yourself just how this camp gets results. The people who are shocked the most are the ones that did not know someone enrolled in one of these camps. When a coworker, neighbor, or friend looks at a person after they have been to this camp for the first time they become speechless. The camp helps produce the results that people want. 

The greatest thing about the boot camps Balmoral is that you get to learn discipline. Everyone that enrolls does not just lose some weight only to put it back on. Each individual is trained to exercise regularly and manage meal portions. Far too many people these days eat a lot more than they should. The biggest problem is that people don't realize that they are consuming too much food. It's important to watch portion size or else you will find yourself overweight. Boot camps Balmoral teaches individuals how to eat properly. This doesn't mean that everyone that enrolls can't enjoy food, they just learn how to manage their caloric intake. When you add exercise into the mix the boot camp helps train people who have never committed to exercise before to figure out how to complete workout routines. Different forms of exercise are presented and people can pick and choose which ones they wish to practice once the boot camp is over.

Boot camps Balmoral produce results. If you or anyone you know needs to lose weight then now is the time to sign up. Summer is already here so make sure that you sign up as fast as you can. You still might be able to live the second half of summer confident with how your body looks. More importantly, your goal should be to manage your health and to practice healthy habits that promote a healthy body. You'll naturally feel better about yourself after you enroll in a boot camp. When you leave and look at yourself in the mirror you'll realize you look good, and when you look good you feel good. 

Know more why boot camps have been popular by clicking

Miyerkules, Hulyo 10, 2013

Broadbeach Boot Camps versus Extreme Dieting for Weight Loss

You are desperately trying to lose weight within a few weeks and have been trying out extreme dieting programmes. You have spent hundreds of dollars on preset meals and exotic supplements that have promised to do wonders to your fat zones. Yet, you do not see the expected results and to top it all, you feel sick most of the times!
This is to be expected as extreme dieting is nothing but starving yourself and forcing your body to shed fat artificially. Enrol instead at a Broadbeach boot camp where you will definitely lose your desired weight, within your desired time, without wasting all that money. 

Extreme Dieting is not the Correct Method 
Extreme dieting is an unhealthy approach to weight loss. It claims to work by drastically limiting your daily intake of regular food. This way, extreme dieting forces your body to use the calories that are stored as fat in different parts your body. It is believed that you lose weight once all that excess fat is used up to release energy for your daily work.
Extreme dieting is also called crash dieting and can become fatal if followed excessively. It should only be done for very short periods and even then, the results are not guaranteed. This is because during extreme dieting your body’s metabolic rate slows down dramatically.
The body ‘believes’ that there is an acute shortage of food and responds by burning the reserved fat with caution. So you actually do not lose all the fat that you want to.
Moreover, your body takes time to go back to its usual metabolic rate once the extreme diet phase is over. There is slower synthesis of fat and you actually gain more weight than was lost during the diet period.
Save yourself all that pain and join a Broadbeach boot camp to lose your excess weight effectively, safely and naturally. Boot camp trainings are effective both as short-term weight loss plans and as long-term healthy lifestyle habits.

To know more on dieting, read
Why are Boot Camps so Effective?
It is obvious that there cannot be any comparison between the efficacy of extreme dieting and a boot camp. It is not without reason that boot camps are the number one choice of fitness fanatics the world over. Unlike extreme dieting, boot camps offer a natural way of losing weight without the help of any fancy meal or equipments.
Any open space, such as a park or the beach, is good enough for boot camp sessions. Each session lasts for 45 to 60 minutes and incorporates a healthy blend of different exercises like burpees, planks, jumps, squats, sit-ups etc. Fun filled competitive games and inspirational sessions are held regularly to keep the motivation level high.
Broadbeach fitness boot camps have trained and qualified teachers who offer invaluable advice on diet and nutrition. The basic aim is to help you imbibe a healthy lifestyle and inculcate good habits like regular exercising and having planned meals.
Unlike extreme dieting where you starve to lose weight, Broadbeach fitness bootcamps encourage you to eat everything but in a controlled manner to keep your weight in check. Moreover, boot camps will make exercise a healthy addiction for you and you will be able to maintain a lean, fit and strong body for life. 

    Healthy Weight Loss
Having trouble in losing weight? Sign up with Dangerously Fit Boot Camps and get amazing results. Check us out at

Biyernes, Hulyo 5, 2013

Working with a Personal Trainer Burleigh Heads – What to Expect in the First Session?

Sharing a good equation with your personal trainer is perhaps the key to having a good fitness regime. Understanding each other's goals and skills will ultimately benefit you in the long run. Owing to the hectic lifestyle today, a good number of fitness-lovers are bending towards hiring a personal trainer for themselves - to help them attend and maintain their respective fitness needs. 

The secret for working successfully with your personal trainer depends on several factors. If yours is Burleigh Heads personal trainer, then you need to keep certain pointers in mind, as to know what to expect, as that will help you in gradually building a good working relationship along the way.

The Documentation

When you approach any personal trainer - Burleigh Heads personal trainers in this instance - they will come out and ask you a couple of questions, inquiring about your overall diet and general health and fitness. This will enable them to learn and know more about how your daily routine is. This is key because then the personal trainer will accordingly chalk out a fitness plan for you, including your dietary intake.

Questions pertaining to your diet are also extremely important. Providing the correct answers will lead the personal trainer in Burleigh Heads to give you a better dietary chart, suitable for your body type and general health status. Unless all these details are presented on the table in an honest manner, whatever fitness regime is designed by the personal trainer will be inadequate and ineffective.


Prior to undertaking a fitness regime for you, the personal trainer Burleigh Heads will subject you to the process of weighing you and taking your other vital measurements. This is an important initial step as it will help both of you to track on your progress chart as the fitness program goes on.

After all the numbers on the weighing scale and measuring tape are the best indicators of whatever progress you shall be making along the due course of the program.

As far as measurements are concerned, generally they comprise of of the usual vitals - chest, waist, and hips. Additionally, the personal fitness trainer Burleigh Heads may also be interested in noting down other vitals such as - blood pressure, heart rate etc.

Goals and Skills

Next you can expect a long discussion pertaining to your personal goals about your own fitness. As a client, it is but natural for a fitness trainer to expect that you will bring in something to the table.

What is your motive of undertaking a fitness program? This is something that every fitness trainer would like to know. It will give him a fair idea about what you want and help you achieve the same by devising a fitness program.

Remember, it is important that the channels of communication between you and the Burleigh Heads personal trainer are always kept open and honest.

The Workout

After all the talk and discussions are through, it is time to get going with the business part of the plan - The Workout.  Based on the talks and the specifics, the trainer will introduce you the fitness program he has designed for you.

At first, the activities will be very basic - to ensure that your body starts getting acquainted with the exercises. And then gradually you can expect intense exercises to be included in your workout program. 

Read more

Miyerkules, Hulyo 3, 2013

Boot Camp in Broadbeach – A Sneak Peak into Barefoot Boot Camp

While boot camps are fast gaining prominence as interesting places to workout, the recent concept of barefoot boot camp workouts is also picking up pace slowly. Although it was introduced as early as 2010, it is now considered a fairly useful and beneficial theory for most.

While earlier it was common for people to spend hours choosing the right footwear for their workout sessions, many also chose to remove their shoes especially to perform outdoor exercises. That is primarily because the shoes did not provide the right support for strenuous exercises. 

While it may look like an easy thing to do, in theory you have to condition your body and ankle or feet to perform barefoot exercises easily. Read on to learn more below.

Always begin with shoes

It is important to begin any workout whether at a bootcamp in Broadbeach or otherwise with shoes. Use flat and simple shoes if required especially for outdoor workouts. Most trainers at boot camps in Broadbeach use a mix of indoor and outdoor workouts to train members. 

Once you get used to particular workout styles and know how to provide the right support to your ankles and feet, you can start experimenting with barefoot workouts. Working out barefoot has its pros and cons. 

While it may seem more comfortable to work out without shoes on flat outdoor surfaces, you may not experience the same comfort while working out indoors without shoes.
It is important to get your body attune to workouts without shoes slowly. In some ways, most trainers at Broadbeach boot camps  may actually advise you change your shoes and choose flat sole ones before you decide to try out exercises without shoes.
Get prepped for barefoot drills
It is important to discuss the norms of barefoot boot camp workouts so you know what to expect. Most sessions may last for 10 minutes to a half hour. It is important to note that the exercises are usually high intensity by nature.

Try to speak to professional trainers at a fitness boot camp in Broadbeach to better understand what a barefoot workout would entail. Better still, try to view a demo class if you can. This will help you prep yourself up mentally and physically before you begin a class yourself. You can practice a few techniques in your home in order to get used to the schedule and routine.
Running and jogging barefoot
A lot of the drills will involve barefoot running and jogging. It is important to try and practice on the spot jogging before you sign up for a class. See how comfortable you are performing this routine without shoes. 
You could typically practice on dry, soft ground to get a better grip while also avoiding damage to your knees and ankles.
In all, barefoot workouts are a great way of helping you tone your body while improving your flexibility and overall balance. But before you start, you must take the adequate preventive and protective measures to ensure that your draw the maximum benefits from it.
Trainers at boot camps in Broadbeach will gladly help you get attuned to barefoot workouts.

Know more tips on how to run barefoot at